metropolis m

[h1]How to survive the art market, without loosing your ideals?

Metropolis M investigates the gallery as an idealistic institution

Uta Grosenick delves into the history of galleries and art dealers, and outlines several recent developments.

The gallerist who does not want to be a gallerist: a portrait of Jan Mot

Column on the gallery scene in Istanbul


The discrepancy between considerable profit and idealistically-minded modern patronage raises the question of what e-flux is after: money, influence or something else?


10 suggestions to fill your book shelves with anti-capitalist literature


Back to the future with David Maljkovic


Jonathas de Andrade makes conceptually-oriented work with a strong melancholic undertone. Curator Julia Reboucas wrote him a letter


Paul Chan on publishing in an expanded field at Badlands Unlimited


Interview with Julika Rudelius on her new work Rituals – now on view at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam


Further (in Dutch only):

new ‘Festival of Independents’; Scouting: Thomas Raat (Rijksakademie), Eric Sidner (De Ateliers) and Esmé Valk (Jan van Eyck Academie); reviews of Newtopia in Mechelen, Time, Trade & Travel in Amsterdam, Rineke Dijkstra in New York, Objekt Atlas in Frankfurt and much more


New at Metropolis M Books: The second edition of our book series, titled Temporary Autonomous Research. It is published on the occasion of the Amsterdam Pavilion on the 9th Shanghai Biennale curated by Henk Slager. With contributions on and by Falke Pisano, Jeremiah Day and Nicoline van Harskamp.

This publication, worth 7 euro’s, is a free gift when you purchase Metropolis M no 5-2012. Buy it now!


Metropolis M

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