Where to go?
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) programmes are a relatively new phenomenon in Dutch art education. Established as a more in-depth continuation of the Bachelor of Fine Arts (the first, four-year programmes of the arts schools), these one- and two-year graduate programmes are increasingly revealing themselves to be a strong-minded and individualistic added layer that is both internal and external in direction.
The current issue of Metropolis M presents an informative supplement, which is the result of a close collaboration with seven graduate institutes for the fine arts in the Netherlands: AKV|St.Joost (Breda/’s-Hertogenbosch), the Dutch Art Institute (DAI, Arnhem), the Frank Mohr Institute (Groningen), the MaHKU (Utrecht), the Master Artistic Research (The Hague), the Piet Zwart Institute (Rotterdam), and the Sandberg Instituut (Amsterdam) and). In their own profiles, they have been free to present and position themselves as they wish.
Next to that there is an extensive introduction based on a series of conversations with all course leaders by Maaike Lauwaert, there are columns by artists/tutors and an essay by Mick Wilson presenting the international perspective.
The MFA programmes discussed here are not the only possibilities in Dutch graduate level education in art. Other programmes are available for art school graduates, including the Master of ArtScience in The Hague and a number of new master’s programmes at the Sandberg Instituut. We have selected the seven institutes mentioned above because they are specifically intended as master’s programmes of the fine arts for visual artists, and as such, they can be compared with one another.
image by Natalia Calderon