Kunsthoofdstad aan de Maas 46 independent aesthetic zones / 13 instituten / 12 galerieën
Rob Hamelijnck van Fucking Good Art is terug van een verblijf in een van de kunstcentra van de wereld aan het tellen geslagen en stelt vast dat Rotterdam momenteel liefst 71 kunstinitiatieven telt, waarvan 46 onafhankelijke, 13 instituten en 12 galerieën. In de laatste Fucking Good Art (#22) worden de resultaten gepresenteerd, inclusief adressen.
Mede naar aanleiding van deze lijst wordt in het huidige nummer van METROPOLIS M /The Next Generation een van deze ‘independent aesthetic zones” geportretteerd: Club Attent op Zuid.
Hierbij de lijst onafhankelijke initiatieven, met dank aan FGA. Check FGA voor de uitgebreide toelichting, de adressen en plattegrond. Alles is onder voorbehoud, want je weet: niets zo veranderlijk als een kunstinitiatief.
46 Project Spaces / magazines / weblogs / etc.
1 ADA Rotterdam
Area for debate and art.
2 B.a.d Foundation
Studios, guest studios, events and exhibitions.
3 Bar 2012
Cesare Peeren and 2012 architects organise Recycled Food Dinners + Film Nights for friends on a regular basis.
4 BART – store
Independent not-for-profit project and shop by artists Nina Boas and Hester van Spijk.
5 Club Attent
Project space and bar in an abandoned buurtsuper (a small neighbourhood shop).
6 Club Donny
Biannual magazine about the personal experience of nature in the urban environment. Published by Frank Bruggeman, Ernst van der Hoeven and Ben Laloua/Didier Pascal.
7 Corrillos
Meetings on a monthly basis at Tent. CBK: ‘Where the Art Scene in Rotterdam Gathers to Update.’
8 Cucosa
Artists’ collective in spaces under Hofplein station.
9 De Aanschouw
A project begun in 2001 by Daan, Hans Citroen, Walter Birkhoff and Frank Taal. This might be the smallest gallery in the world.
10 DEK–22
Internationaal Lokaal Creatieve activering.
11 De Fabriek
Self-supporting organisation that started as an underground initiative in a squatted factory building in Delfshaven.
12 De KunstSuper
Galerie and project space by Frank Taal (see also De Aanschouw), René Boonstra and Leo de Bie.
13 De Player / DSPS
The legendary highbrow underground to low-fi über-grund: sound gallery/performance stage.
14 De Salon
Since 2005 Tamar de Kemp and Maartje Berendsen have organised temporary exhibitions, each time at a different location.
15 De Serafijn
A PDF briefing by artist and writer Q.S. Serafijn.
16 Duende
Studios, guest studios, events and exhibitions.
17 Episode-publishers
Small publishing house for books on contemporary art, architecture, design and science. (ceased to exist)
18 Enough Room for Space
Founded by Marjolijn Dijkman and Maarten Vanden Eynde in 2005. ERforS is an artist-run organisation that seeks to explore critical positions for contemporary art in society and to create room for unexpected relations.
19 Fam.RUIM
Platform for direct art (meaning artists in direct contact with their public, subject and context).
20 Fucking Good Art
Initiated by artists Rob Hamelijnck and Nienke Terpsma. Non-academic freestylers with a do-it-yourself attitude, agitprop publishers and knowledge producers, working within a specific local context.
21 Galerie Bodypower
Two former students of Willem de Kooning established this gallery in March 2009.
22 Gallery 182
New art space by US artist Abner Preis, who loves Rotterdam.
23 Het Wilde Weten
Twenty studios and one guest studio, events and exhibitions.
(A5 The New 16 MM)
hOUTSKOOL is a quaterly published xeroxed artzine in a print run of 500 copies.
25 Kaus Australis
Studios, guest studios, events and exhibitions.
26 Kunst&Complex
17 studios, and 3 guest studios and presentations. Established in 1981.
27 Kunst Rotterdam Noord
[email protected]
Artist Carlo van Driel started an art space a few years ago in Station Noord, a 1950s building by neglected Dutch architect Sybold van Ravesteyn, who also designed Station Rotterdam Central Station and Blijdorp Zoo.
28 NAC
Foundation NAC (New Studios Charlois) is a non-profit organisation, initially founded to arrange the self-management of studio spaces for (young) artists.
29 Pages
Pages was launched in 2004 by Rotterdam-based Iranian artists Nasrin Tabatabai and Babak Afrassiabi. Pages’ projects are defined through activities such as the bilingual Farsi?/ English magazine, architectural proposals, video documentations and installation works.
[email protected]
Expositieruimte voor moderne kunst (exhibition space for modern art) founded in November 2008 by Evelien de Jong and Richard Trifunovi.
31 RAiR–Rotterdam Artist in Residencies
RAiR is a new foundation initiated in 2008 by Bad Foundation, Duende Studios, Kaus Australis, Kunst & Complex and Het Wilde Weten. These artist-run studio buildings joined forces, aiming at a cooperation between their different residency programmes in order to maximise their potential and to create a platform for international artists in Rotterdam and beyond.
32 salle DEMAIN
A meeting and office space founded in November 2003.
33 Sandersgeluk
An interdisciplinary collective founded by Fransje Kraaij, Sander Zweerts de Jong and Rineke Kraaij.
Small independent publishing house run by Ben Schot specialising in works of the historical avant-garde and the counterculture.
35 Studio 3005
Small independent publishing house run by Marc Vleugels for literature, art, architecture, and philosophy.
36 Studio Hergebruik
Shop, exhibition space, temporary guest studio, space for workshops, documentation centre and meeting place. Involves design, art and fashion.
37 Sub-Urban Video Lounge
Initiative of Toine Horvers in the basement of Urban Espresso Bar since November 2004.
38 Surinoemer
Artist Arnold Schalks, formerly of Vrije Schuur and Schuurpapier fame, treats us to a new project: the Surinoemer.
39 This Neck of the Woods – Dwelling for Intervals
A project by Canadian artist Yvette Poorter.
40 Trendbeheer
Digitale hanghoek (Digital meeting place) of Jeroen Bosch, Niels Post and friends.
41 TWAMM – Tribe without a medicine man!
TWAMM is a group of 14 creative people from Rotterdam and environs who want to show their art and produce on demand.
42 Volksrekorders
Web-based platform run by 9 artists with an interest in public art.
43 WDW63
Former Fotomuseum. Walter Birkhoff custodian and curator since September 2007 told us that on June 1st WDW63 programme stops. The owner has found new tenants.
44 Wlf_rt
Project space plus guest studio / apartment.
45 Wormhole
Magazine for drawing, initiated by Ronald Cornelissen. First issue was released in 2000.
46 Zuid Explorer
Every last Sunday of the month non-guided tour.