Weduwe Sottsass over samenwerking met het Stedelijk Museum
Weduwe Sottsass verwijdt het Stedelijk Museum misleidende informatie te hebben verspreid over haar weigering nog langer mee te werken aan het deze week afgelaste overzicht van Sottsass.
Op de website Art Dependence stelt Barbara Radice samen met Ernest Mourmans: ‘We read with regret that the museum has decided to cancel the exhibition as well as to release statements to the public that are misleading. Rather than enter into a constructive dialogue, for the past few months the curator chose to conduct the conversation about this exhibition in an adversarial and divisive fashion. In that spirit she also refused to detail her curatorial outline of the exhibition and her choice of works until a late date. At that point the estate could only either relent to pressure or seek a dialogue to balance Mr. Sottsass’ spirit and legacy with a museum team that had done little research and was more interested in the public relations aspect of the exhibition.
This development is symptomatic of recent events at the Stedelijk Museum, during which it became evident that both managerial and curatorial leadership and stewardship have been amiss in recent years….’
Het volledige statement weduwe via Art dependence
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