Voorkennis Openingen, openingen, openingen…
Nee dit wordt niet een weekend zoals alle weekenden. Dit weekend is compleet volgepakt met nieuwe kunst en debat.
[h1]Stroom Den Haag
Luc Delue
Orban Space: Luc Deleu – T.O.P. office
20 January – 24 March
Four decades of proposals and advices for public space on the scale of the earth.

Bonnefanten Maastricht
Keetje Mans – Through the Vineland
19 January – 28 April
Through the Vineland is a solo exhibition of paintings by Keetje Mans (Amsterdam, 1979), who lives and works in Maastricht. Her art works have symbolic overtones, and in them she plays with a distinctive mix of folk art and exoticism, combined with elements originating from memories of her childhood on Curaçao. On large canvases, she creates still lifes and narrative scenes, interlaced with fragments of barely legible text, which transport the viewer to mystical, unfathomable places of refuge.
Ellen de Bruijne Projects
Maria Pask/ Frederique Bergholtz: A Way of Making
19 January – 23 February
A way of making is an exhibition of ceramics by Maria Pask and Frederique Bergholtz. “The objects gathered here are first experiments in working with clay – a technique we have both been exploring for the last year.’
Annet Gelink Gallery
Chasing Rainbows
19 January-23 February
Anya Galliccio, Antonis Pittas en Sarah van Sonsbeeck
Lumen Travo
Jens Pfeiffer: All That Glitters…
19 January – 16 February
Not everything that glitters is gold. Not everything we perceive as precious or true fulfills the promise of its appearance. In a series of work-sets, Jens Pfeifer explores the deceiving shine of objects, materials, substances and beliefs.
Ron Mandos
Peter Feiler & Christiaan Zwanikken
19 January – 16 February
Het nieuwe jaar 2013 opent Galerie Ron Mandos met een curieuze tentoonstelling. De expositie toont een interessante wisselwerking tussen de zeer gedetailleerde en onconventionele tekeningen van Peter Feiler en de bewegende, insect-achtige sculpturen van Christiaan Zwanikken. De fantasierijke werelden van Feiler en de verbazingwekkende installaties van Zwanikken samen tonen de kijker een macabere wereld en dit zal een sferische tentoonstelling opleveren.

Gabriel Rolt
Douglas White: ‘Song of the Roustabouts’
19 January – 23 February
Galerie Gabriel Rolt is proud to present its second solo show of the work of London-based contemporary artist and sculptor Douglas White (Guildford, UK, 1977), who works with decaying objects, discarded waste and other cast-aside materials to create poetic, totemic works that pulse with new life.
Marc Oosting – What’s up habit?
19 January – 23 February

Martin van Zomeren
Wojciech Bakowski: Impressions Spread Out & The Expositions of Problems
19 January – 23 February
En verder:
San Seriffe Amsterdam
Book launch: The Tiger’s Mind
January 18, 8–10 pm
You are warmly invited to the launch of the publication ‘The Tiger’s Mind’ with an introduction by Will Holder, and a screening of Beatrice Gibson’s ‘The Tiger’s Mind’
San Seriffe – Sint Annenstraat 30 – Amsterdam
Causeries Witte de With
Causerie – The Voice and The Chorus
19 January – 13:00
Delving into the past, once again, as a way to inform and enhance the present, this Causerie leads an investigation into a device of 5th Century BCE Greek tragedies and comedies, namely the chorus
Boris Groys – Logica van de verzameling
Book Launch
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
20 januari, 15.30 UUR
Het Stedelijk Museum organiseert, in samenwerking met de uitgeverij Octavo en het Goethe Instituut Amsterdam, de feestelijke lancering van “Logica van de verzameling” van de filosoof en kunstcriticus Boris Groys en de essaybundel “Groys in context”. Tijdens deze middag zal Groys deelnamen aan een vraaggesprek met Rudi Laermans en zullen diverse sprekers, waaronder Dirk van Bastelaere en Arnisa Zeqo, een korte lezing geven.
If I can’t Dance…
Appropriation and Dedication
Gerry Bibby, Gregg Bordowitz, Jacob Korczynski, a work by Louise Lawler, Sven Lütticken, Helen Molesworth, Grant Watson
20 January 2013, from 10am to 7pm
Goethe Institut, Amsterdam
On 20 January 2013, If I Can’t Dance would like to mark its transition from Edition IV – Affect (2010-2012) into Edition V – Appropriation and Dedication (2012-2014) with a full day seminar at the Goethe Institut in Amsterdam. The seminar will explore the relations between affect and appropriation in artistic practice, with contributions that consider how an understanding of reciprocal investment reconfigures the artistic strategy of appropriation as an act that is based in connecting, acknowledging and being porous to material.