metropolis m

Uit solidariteit met de door de oorlog belaagde bevolking van Gaza is vandaag 20 oktober uitgeroepen tot een stakingsdag waaraan een groot aantal (kunst)instellingen deelneemt. In een ter gelegenheid van deze dag door de Learning Palestine Group verspreide 12 uur durende mixtape, die werd samengesteld in het kader van 75 jaar bezetting, zijn opnames gebundeld van statements, liedjes, presentaties en discussies van researchers, kunstenaars, schrijvers en wetenschappers over de nu al zoveel jaren durende bezetting van Palestina en vrijheidsstrijd van het Palestijnse volk. 

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Learning Palestine – Until Liberation

12 hours of lectures, interviews, book presentation, talks, storytelling, music, songs, poetry and chants

00:00:00 Learning Palestine Group

00:01:14 Wedding chanting (Live recording)

00:12:00 John Berger reading a story by Ghassan Kanafani

00:28:54 A Song: Goerge Kirmiz: I’m the mountain of Galilee

يرمع ةباحس ای انأ 00:34:35 Kwame Ture on Zionism and Imperialism لزان ىلع طوطخ رانلا امی يتاھ ةدورابلا ایعسمرت 1986 Ayya Termos from Chant Dabkeh A :Song A

00:38:17 00:42:20 A Poem: Mahmoud Darwish: The Speech Before the Last by the Red Indian (in Arabic)

00:49:50 Edward Said: The Interview 1986

1:44:04 A Song: Sabreen: Smoke of Volcanos

1:48:36 A Song: The Flower of Fire نارینلا ةرھز ای

1:51:46 Deep Dive: A history of Black Palestinian Solidarity

2:02:55 Angela Davis Speaks at Oranienplatz Berlin 2022

2:51:37 A Song: AlFajr Group: Berlin festival 1989 انا دینع ةینیطسلفلا رجفلا ةقرف ىلع ھنوعلد ىلعو ھنوعلد طباور ىرقلا ام انولثمی

2:54:20 A Chant Dabkeh

2:57:48 Interview: Mohammad Al Kurd on CNN 2021

3:02:43 Basel Al Araj: Details of an operation (in Arabic)

3:12:00 A Song: Marcel Khalifa: Fighters without an Address ناونع لاب نولضانم

3:15:36 A song: Abdallah Haddad and Martyrs Children Group: I’m the Child of Sumod

دومصلا نبا انا غنیةٔا 3:17:54 Ghassan Kanafani interview with Richard Carleton 1970

3:23:04 Brave French Students Stand Up to Israeli Ambassador (In French)

3:29:06 Amer Zahr: comedy clip: Palestine Fully Furnished ةشورفم اھودخا Akhaduha Mafroosheh

3:33:34 A Song: Al Ashiqeen group: A Boy Walks on Embers: Yemen concert 1984

3:36:50 Judith Butler on BDS and Antisemitism

3:58:00 A Song: Fayrouz: One Day We Shall Return

4:02:50 Fred Moten speaks on Solidarity with Palestine

4:11:35 A Song: This Monster Haneen Odet Allah & Jowan Safadi.شحولااذھيدفصناوجوهللاةدوعنینح

4:14:24 A Song: Sabreen Love on the Palestinian Wayةینیطسلفلاةقیرطلاىلعبح

4:22:30 A Song: Marcel Khalifa: Ahmad Al Arabi Musicalةفیلخلیسراميبرعلاحمدٔاةیئانغ

5:28:40 Rashid Khalidi The Hundred Year War in Palestine SOAS University of London

7:06:40 A Song: Fayrouz: The Bridge of Return

ةدوعلا رسج 7:24:30 A Song: Marcel Khalife: Promises from the Storm ةفصاعلا نم دوعو

7:30:20 A Song: Sabreen: On Wishes تاینملأا نع

7:35:20 Ilan Pappe: On 1948 Part I Interview 2018

8:39:30 A Song: Daboor/Shabjdeed Inn Ann Prod Al Nather 

8:42:36 A Chant for a Wedding in Dalal

8:44:31 A Song: Al Ashiqeen group: Sour: Yemen concert 1984

8:50:30 Podcast:هللابیبحيلععميعامتجلاامجعملايفةبكنلاNakba in the social lexicon (in Arabic)

10:02:00 A Song: Stay Away from the Army

10:06:30 Dabkeh in a Wedding يشیبغ ای يشیجلا نع دیح ةكبد ةبابشلاع يدع يواطقلا تیزریب ةرھس دجما ةحشو

10:14:40 Rana Barakat: Decolonial Futures Palestine in and the Global South

11:10:40 A Song: Kofia group: Palestinian struggle songs

تابابد و ةیعفد م 11:14:25 On Tragedy Resistance Israels Apartheid System in al Khalil (Hebron) by PALFEST

11:20:00 Amnesty: Israel Palestine Apartheid Explainer

11:33:54 Suheir Hamad: Poetry: On the Brink of for Rachel Corrie

11:40:50 Ultras chant for Palestine in Morocco ةعور أغنیة يواجر ينیطسلف نم ةارابم ءاجرلا و للاھ سدقلا

11:44:06 Mohammad Al Kurd: Palestine: Double Down News

11:54:00 A Song from Sweden: Leve Leve Leve Palestina

Met dank aan de Learning Palestine Group, Yazan Khalili

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