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Veel biënnales worden uitgesteld maar Manifesta 13 in Marseille gaat met een kleine vertraging gewoon door, zo maakte de organisatie vandaag bekend.

Lees hier het persbericht:

Manifesta 13 Marseille will take place throughout Autumn 2020

Manifesta is happy to announce that from the 28th of August until 29th of November 2020 Manifesta 13 Marseille will start to gradually open its three programmes: its central exhibition Traits d’union.s; its education and mediation programme Le Tiers Programme and the parallel programme Les Parallèles du Sud. There will moments with different intensity at different speeds, articulating different underlying thoughts and dreams.

 The story of Manifesta 13 Marseille is that of a passage, or as the title of the exhibition suggests of Traits d’union.s, hyphens, between one world and the next. All plots of the exhibition will unfold successively across Marseille, including in six city museums.

At the end of August 2020, Le Tiers Programme will open the sixth exhibition in Belsunce of the Invisible Archives at its headquarters Tiers QG. Delve into the world of the Invisible Archives.

Projects from Les Parallèles du Sud will be launched in collaboration with a large variety of local, regional and international actors across the region, starting at the end of August. Selected projects here.

Manifesta is working on a new ticketing policy to give everyone the opportunity to discover the entire programme over the three months of the biennial. Those who have already requested and paid for a professional accreditation to the preview days or have purchased tickets will be contacted by the Manifesta team shortly for a reimbursement.
Tiers QG will reopen its doors on the 12th of June with Invisible Archives # 4 exhibition. Espace Manifesta 13 currently remains closed to the public.
In the meantime, stay tuned to discover Traits d’union.s venues and plots soon! 
Manifesta sincerely wants to thank all our colleagues, artists, collaborators and partners for their imagination and continuous enthusiasm.  
We look forward to seeing you again soon!  

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