A Long Sentence from an Angry White Man
These people are ugly, dumb and destructive, and they demonstrate a denial of history on a level that is baffling, and they insult our intelligence, and they provoke scorn, and they are idiotic in the face of complexity, and they do not understand anything about culture, and how it is formed or understood, and they do not realize that their time has come and gone, and they do not know how to communicate in any meaningful way, and they are spiteful and manipulative, and they prey upon ignorance and fear, and provoke ignorance and fear, and they are invoking actions with the implication that those actions will return us to some moment that never existed, and they turn their backs on a shameful colonialist past, and they are incapable of telling a truth or recognizing their own falsehoods, and they make people nervous, and they dress badly, and their faces are puffy and bloated, and they have no definition in their ideas or their presented selves, and they have no taste, and they can only discriminate, but they cannot discriminate between anything of any value in a culture that requires delicate contemplation and understanding, and they are incapable of seeing the value in differences that are gently articulated, and they have created an idealized sense of belonging and identification that bears no relation to any productive way to run a society, and they are pious mendacious people who have no ability to see the contradictions in their allegiance to institutions with shameful pasts, and when they smile there is a deadness in their eyes, and when they jut out their chins there are too many of them, and when they do their hair it sits stupidly in bouffant style, and they encourage trolls, and they enjoy the trolls, and they insinuate, and they suggest, and they act hurt and misunderstood, and they will say or do anything to remain on the edge of legality, and they show disregard for any sense of common decency, and they make a claim to the idea that they have common sense, and they talk about common values, and they have no understanding of how such things could be the result of an historical illusion, and their heads are strange shapes, and it is true that their hands are small, and they hold their stupid little hands up in the air as if they are expressing innocence after a cynical professional foul in a football game, and they look up to the sky as if they are invoking some kind of divine mission, and they hate shaking hands, but they love waving with one hand, and sometimes with two hands, and worse, they do thumbs up, which is moronic and in poor taste, and they look coyly over their shoulders as if caught by surprise, and they show off the shiny bad tailoring of spies, conmen and low grade real estate agents, and hucksters, and you would not want to have them in the house, and if they were near you in a bar you would have to move away, and they smirk and tap on their little phones, and check their messages as a way to avoid answering questions, and they take stupid selfies as if they have something in common with those they are conning, and they point in different directions to make a point, and then they smirk again, and they say one thing and do something completely different, and they exploit weariness with cynicism, and they betray those who they have drawn into their deviousness, and they make weird O-shapes with their mouths, and they try and do scary eyes, and think they have a stare that makes a point, and they think they have charisma, and they puff out their cheeks as if they are surrounded by morons, and they act as if they are put upon and as if they are part of a mainstream belief system that is crushed by a mysterious elite, and they are the elite and their friends are the elite, and they pretend that they are somehow the voice of those who have no chance to even approach the level that they enjoy, and they make use of others to keep themselves isolated from idea, poetry and art, and culture and theory, and difficult questions and modern dance, and complicated music and confrontations with others, and look all indignant, and they pretend that they are not what they clearly are, and they pretend that their position is not an outrage against the enlightenment and intellectual enquiry, and they prey upon other people’s suffering, and they put the blame on others, and do not attempt to analyse or experiment, or think or listen, or care or wonder, or doubt.
Liam Gillick