metropolis m


? Kraftwerk Trans-Europe Express 1976 ? Mülheimer Freiheit Groningen (Groninger Museum) 1980 ? Soft Cell Tainted Love 1981 ? Rosa von Praunheim Unsere Leichen leben noch 1982 ? Harald Szeeman a-Historische Klanken Rotterdam (Museum Boymans-van Beuningen) 1990 ? Rene Daniels Lentebloesem Rotterdam (Museum Boymans-van Beuningen) 1990 ? Public Enemy Fear of a Black Planet 1990 ? Hélio Oiticica Rotterdam (Witte de With) 1992 ? Jeff Koons Amsterdam (Stedelijk Museum) 1992 ? Stereolab Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements 1993 ? Derek Jarman Blue 1993 ? Francis Alÿs zwerfprojecten, (“…I spend a lot of time walking around the city….The initial concept for a project often emerges during a walk. As an artist, my position is akin to that of a passer-by constantly trying to situate myself in a moving environment.”) Mexico 1993 ? Felix Gonzalez-Torres New York (Guggenheim Museum) 1995 ? Inside The Visible Boston (ICA) 1995 ? Ian Kerkhof, Nice to Meet You, Please don’t Rape Me! 1995 Frances Stark Untitled (Beatles) 1996 (“I was thinking about the typist sitting at a computer in some office hurriedly typing out the same Beatles timeline that had been printed a zillion times before. It was full of the kinds of mistakes that you could only make on a computer, and I loved that. The sloppiness, the reduction of some¬thing that had once been the biggest, most sexualized, hottest, craziest fucking thing in the world into this chronology that didn’t even mean anything anymore. I think of those lines as brushstrokes in a way. I repeat some of them just because they have awesome typos.” / Dennis Cooper ‘Openings’ Artforum April 1997) ? Cerith Wyn Evans Inverse, Reverse, Perverse 1996 ? Flaming Creature: The Art and Times of Jack Smith New York (P.S.1 Museum) 1997 (Cataloging In Publication Data: underground culture, film making, theater, avant-garde, transvestites, drag queens, social history, performance art, biography, expanded cinema, art, 60s culture, New York downtown culture, photography, censorship) ? Gabriel Orozco: Recordings – From Green Glass to Airplane Amsterdam (Stedelijk Museum) 1997 ? Joëlle Tuerlinckx This book, like a book, Exposition Gent (SMAK) + Nouveaux Projects D.D. Deurle (Museum Dhont-Daenens) 1999 ? Maurizio Cattelan La Rivoluzione Siamo Noi Zürich (Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst) 2000 ? Alicia Framis Remix Buildings 2000 ? Santiago Sierra, Homeless in a Pit Helsinki (Kiasma) 2001 ? Viktor & Rolf Black Hole Fall Collection 2001 (cf. Le Regard Noir Amsterdam (Bureau Amsterdam) 1997) ? L.A. Raeven Killer Queen, Utrecht (CASCO) 2002

Martijn van Nieuwenhuyzen

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